• #4377
Quick question about the Garmin Edge 800 battery life: I've just replaced the original one (1100mAh) with an ebay one (1000mAh) and gone for a quick ride. After an hour, with no navigation, half brightness and a HR monitor the battery was at around 65%. Is this normal? - I would have expected it to be higher... Also, it looks like you can buy 1200mAh batteries in the US but not the UK - does anyone have a link to buy one over here? Thanks!
• #4378
I have an 800 and would expect the battery percentage to be up in the 80 and maybe even 90 per cent range after one hour and that is with navigation.
Maybe check your back light and time out settings. -
• #4379
Also, new battery.
Doesn't really hold a good charges at first.
• #4380
Ah, OK, didn't know that about new batteries. Will let it settle down and see what happens.
• #4382
I've been using the Garmin 800 for a while now, and the battery life is still pretty shit, around 3hr 30min from full charge to dead (with backlight on min, time out on 15secs, HR monitor and navigation). I replaced the battery, but maybe it's a dud. Can anyone link me to a battery that they have bought and works well?
• #4384
My 800 would max out at 13h with minimal nav and I never connect anything like Wifi or BT.
810 has the same battery I believe so you're probably looking at 8-10hr mark for what you're doing but it all depends on temp, age of battery, etc.I normally use my 800 for time trials (with a Garmin battery pack for 24hrs).
• #4385
Tell me more about this Garmin battery pack - how does it differ from a standard li-ion battery?
13hr might not give me enough time...
• #4386
It only differs in it's a torpedo shape with strap to fit bars, rather than a box like most battery packs. It's just enough for 24hr with no navigation. You can normally use any external pack so long as the pins don't make it go to USB mode.
• #4388
Cheers! Imma buy a long mini USB otg cable and see if that does the trick with an existing charger
• #4389
You can also get little USB connectors that remove the data cables. They're useful when using charging stations (to stop your phone getting hacked) and also Garmins. I bought a couple a few years ago. Can't remember what they're called.
• #4390
Consider if you can fit the cable when your garmin is mounted, on my 800 with a sram mount, needs a right angle cable.
• #4391
My SRAM mount is elevated so it clears the bars/stem.
BarFly 2.0 mount might see you bend the connector a bit depends on where you have it.
• #4392
On edge 500 is it possible to display pedaling time as opposed to elapsed or moving time? Or set moving time to work off zero cadence?
Rehabbing knee injuries and I am supposed to increase pedaling time/ time under load by small increments each time, easy to do on the turbo but I'm bored of turbo in this nice weather but trying to do it outside is hard as coasting, traffic light etc make measuring time under load hard.
• #4393
You could of course fudge it by using a speed sensor on the pedal.
• #4394
Hello all , I have a new Garmin Etrex 30x , I cant make it follow me on the map so have been scrolling whilst riding which is annoying.
Im guessing this is easy to solve and I'm being an idiot but I cant find anything on t'internet. Any help much appreciated -
• #4395
Look at your settings , under map select
track up
guidance text "when navigating"
advanced map set up, auto zoom on, zoom levels allauto
text size, map points none, user waypoints small , street label medium, land cover small
detail, up to you
Try these for a start but my guess is you need track up. The rest are incidentals
Also on the map page enable/disable maps that you are/are not usingYou can also get to these settings when on the map page by using the left hand lower button and choosing setup map
• #4396
Thanks alot , I shall have a crack at this later on. :)
• #4397
Anything to better the Etrex 20x for touring? Looking for something with good battery life as well as replaceable batteries, as well as a relatively simple interface.
• #4398
Garmin people, please help. I'm sure there's a simple way around this...
Twice recently my watch has run out of batteries on long runs so I've had to record the last bits on the Strava app on my phone.
How can I easily combine the two files? I've used FitFileTools previously, but for some reason when I select Export Original in GConnect it spits out a .TCX (whereas on my Edge 500 I get a .FIT). I tried a TCX Convert programme to convert both parts of the run to .FIT but for some reason the saved .FIT files fail to show up. I've also tried downloading as .GPX and mashing them together but I'm getting odd results.
Any easy way to do this that I've missed? Thanks in advance.
• #4399
Are you trying to join them for a specific purpose, if for strava ask them to do it it for you if you are a premium member.
As you have found out garmin connect is the devils spawn. -
• #4400
Just to get them in one file really, am not Premium sadly.
Yes my relationship with GC is long and miserable. I tried the support email and ended up with an absolute nonsense reply.
PM me