What is with all of the bus lane wankers now the sun is out?
There's nothing wrong with using a bus lane, keeping a sensible distance from the curb, or riding side-by-side when appropriate, but seriously - 4 or 6 abreast? Taking up the whole fucking thing?
It reminds me of this pic:
...accept where the cyclists ride in exactly the same formation as the cars.
On a more positive note, dude on a yellow PX Kaffenback, flat bars, x1, absolutely killing it this morning. Anyone on here?
What is with all of the bus lane wankers now the sun is out?
There's nothing wrong with using a bus lane, keeping a sensible distance from the curb, or riding side-by-side when appropriate, but seriously - 4 or 6 abreast? Taking up the whole fucking thing?
It reminds me of this pic:
...accept where the cyclists ride in exactly the same formation as the cars.
On a more positive note, dude on a yellow PX Kaffenback, flat bars, x1, absolutely killing it this morning. Anyone on here?