• #4352
GPX files can just be dragged/copied into the NewFiles folder on an Edge or the /Garmin/GPX (I think) folder on etrex units. No basecamp required.
• #4353
Mmm I suspect we are talking about pro features I didn't deem necessary to pay for.. seems like the event/add route options are not available in the free version
• #4354
Ok, easiest way to see all your different routes on one map is to create an event:
But it doesn't allow you to merge (for this see below) into one route, or then split back into routes that are different from the loaded ones. Someone should make that software - load in all the routes, then click for start and end points for new routes you want and export!
For merging in RWGPS - when you are "editing" a route, in the left hand menu side bar there is a "load an existing route" box under "Add route" - start typing the name of your route and then select it and it will add it to the map you're editing on. Assuming it starts basically where the one you're editing ends, then you can just click on the green blob which is the start point of it it and it will join the two routes together. See screenshot!
1 Attachment
• #4355
I pay whatever their cheapest option is. I figure the amount I've used their service the $50 a year is worth it. I'm a software eng. so appreciate (and pay for) useful software.
• #4357
What this is seeming like is that the device I really want in future is the Etrex 30. It means I can use it for hiking, fell running, gravel/mountain biking as well as for mapping long audux rides.
Final question. If I was off on a multi-day tour and I didn't want to be rigid in my route (might see something shiny to go look at), I'm guessing the Etrex wouldn't be so good at handling that if I was only running from a gpx. If I suddenly decided to go a different way it couldn't just re-route me?
• #4358
I can use it for hiking, fell running, gravel/mountain biking as well as for mapping long audux rides.
If you decide to go off your route then it can do some stuff like re-route you to a city or some kind of point of interest (POI) but that depends on what maps you are using with it. If you were hiking and wander somewhere, it can route you back the way you came or (I think) maybe a direct route back to a point.
• #4359
Thanks, that's all good, if only I had the features available.
@hippy you're right, it's not a crazy amount of money, but at the same time I almost never needed the advanced features, and since I will be off the grid for a while, it's a bit late to do a yearly payment now.
I'll see if I can get around it editing as text.
• #4360
• #4361
I've owned both hiking and cycling Garmins and the cycling ones seem to do everything that the hiking ones do but in a different form factor (maybe missing random stuff like hunting/fishing times).
Main difference is the interface (touch screen v buttons) and power (rechargeable v AA).
• #4362
Re routing is pretty good on the etrex, unlike the edge series that only allow you to input the end point and then calculates what it deems to be the best route, the etrex lets you input via points/waypoints, these can be Points of Interest, pre loaded waypoints, points on a map etc. etc. so you can build up a route that goes the way you want to go rather than the device.
Here are just a few of the inbuilt poi.s on the etrex plus you can load your own via a poi/csv file or via a gpx containing numerous waypoints such a the UK bothies one.
• #4363
I can do that too on the edge touring, it's actually quite good for on the road tweaks to any route
• #4364
On a second thought, I can probably pay just for a month or two, lots of planning ahead
• #4365
Doesn't the Edge have something like that called 'via points'?
• #4366
Not that I am aware of when using the on device routing option (where to). But I am using a rather old device, the 800.
• #4367
That's the one I meant. Probably the only (smart) way to create a route on a Garmin
• #4368
I have an 800 and 1000 and I know at least one of them (defo happens on the 1000) complains when I ask it to route to somewhere 100k away. It says the calculation will take a long time, consider adding via points. I of course tell it to shut up and take me where I want to go.
• #4369
Is the 10000 point limit per gpx file or is it 'per track' within a gpx file?
So you could have say 4 track segments, each with 9999 points within a single gpx file?
• #4370
A gpx file containing four separate tracks with the following attributes works on my etrex 30 and in the track manager comes up as 4 separate tracks with the correct info. On an edge 800 the device only sees one of the tracks and this is not consistent. Sometimees track A1 other times track A4.
Track name- Track points- Distance
A1 9978 1031KM
A2 9997 921KM
A3 9976 876KM
A4 4639 4483KM -
• #4371
I'm not taking my 800, I'll be taking the 1000.
I'll have to check it out to see what it does.
If any of the tracks are not complete I'll either split into separate files or do a point-reduce.
Thanks for the info. -
• #4372
Anyone want a black silicone case for a Edge Touring? (For free)
• #4373
Yeah. Will it fit the 1000?
Edit: google suggest not
• #4374
Dunno, do some research
• #4375
Yes please! Where's best to collect?
I create a RideWithGPS "Event" and click Show All on Map