After dithering on a Deda cockpit, I'd decided on Nitto and bought a 120mm 25.4 Dynamic stem and B115 Bars from SprocketsUk on Ebay... only for the stem to be out of stock.
Couldn't find a Nitto 120/25.4 stem in stock on a quick internets search, so ended up cancelling both.
Any other options for new compact bars and matching quill stem that work with STI/Ergo's other than Nitto or Deda ?
After dithering on a Deda cockpit, I'd decided on Nitto and bought a 120mm 25.4 Dynamic stem and B115 Bars from SprocketsUk on Ebay... only for the stem to be out of stock.
Couldn't find a Nitto 120/25.4 stem in stock on a quick internets search, so ended up cancelling both.
Any other options for new compact bars and matching quill stem that work with STI/Ergo's other than Nitto or Deda ?