• #44927
A small prison sentence for a cyclist hater for a change. Better than nothing I guess
• #44928
Or to destroy Labour, the timing benefits the Tories in many ways.
• #44929
It wasn't entirely clear whether the prison sentence was for that incident or the suspended sentence from previous incidents.
• #44930
I think it was in light of the outstanding incidents. Either way, it's one less maniac on the roads for a while at least
• #44931
I read it as, without the previous incidents, it would have been a slap on the wrist. Either way, the net result is good for everyone else.
• #44932
Asides from her family and tax payer.
(although I agree that it's important this sort of stuff is recognised)
• #44933
I really hope this story is a fabrication (how can anyone really get news from inside North Korea?!1!!?), but if it isn't, it's simply terrible:
• #44934
got a non evening osborne source for that?
/not sure if same
• #44935
I don't think he's in post yet, or is he?
• #44936
He isn't. It's still slightly safer to link to it than it will be come, er, May. :)
Then still an MP, Osborne was announced in March 2017 as the next editor of the London Evening Standard, a position which he is due to take up in May 2017.
• #44937
Remind me, where is it you moved too?
• #44938
There's so much wrong in this story, and every bit of it can be ascribed to the party that's about to get a massive mandate to continue its assault on the weakest in society:
• #44940
There was a case in Belfast of a 16 year old being dragged out of her bed by the PSNI... she's in a care home, I mean FFS how badly does the system fail people...
Then the gutter press commented she wasn't wearing clothes, no shit, cos she was dragged from her bed and who is going to bring her some.
• #44941
Hope Gerard coyne has a good union rep...
• #44942
Lol 😂
But seriously all the sniping in unite didn't cheer me up at all, just what we need more infighting...
(A whole 2 unite members in my business park of thousands btw)
• #44943
A shootout on the Champs-Élysées with the murder of a policeman:
• #44944
where do I follow the French election results online?
• #44945
France 24 would be a good shout
• #44946
Le Pen looks to have made it through (based on projections).
Marcon looks to have beat her in the first round.
Overall the left did well enough, so should be fine. Crosses fingers
• #44947
Curious to know how this compares to previous 1st rounds.
Time to buy €uros I guess.
1 Attachment
• #44948
Not Francs? I think I have left over from some mid-90s trips.
• #44949
The execrable le Pen's father also qualified for the 2nd round run-off in 2002:
• #44950
Hollande: 28.8%
Sarkozy: 26.1%
Marine Le Pen: 18.5%
Mélenchon: 11.7%
Bayrou: 8.8%
Joly: 2.3%
So from a quick uneducated look, this time round the voting was much more split. And while Le Pen has definitely made strong gains, much of the advantage is from a broad split.
Just posted this in the election thread. Related (to election spending. Not Holocaust): http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/what-snap-election-means-tory-10250515