If veganism were a sliding scale, I'm edging my way there bit by bit. Have been veggie for ages, and been having hemp milk on cereal for quite a while now and it's great. I don't drink tea or coffee so can't comment on what it's like in those.
Cheese is a weakness, especially as I mainly make sandwiches at home to eat for lunch on the go... have been making humus with various beans, and have cut down loads on cheese from that.
I would like some other sandwich filling ideas if anyone's got some good simple ones.
Eggs are the other one... (I did say I'm not there as a vegan!) anyway, I get rescued ex battery hens from the BHWT, and give them a run around and lots of cuddles in our garden to spare them the chop. We only eat the eggs they lay.
I think I can feasibly get to no cheese, but while we've got the retirement home for previously caged hens on the go, can't see me stopping eating the odd egg here and there...
So... sandwich ideas please!
If veganism were a sliding scale, I'm edging my way there bit by bit. Have been veggie for ages, and been having hemp milk on cereal for quite a while now and it's great. I don't drink tea or coffee so can't comment on what it's like in those.
Cheese is a weakness, especially as I mainly make sandwiches at home to eat for lunch on the go... have been making humus with various beans, and have cut down loads on cheese from that.
I would like some other sandwich filling ideas if anyone's got some good simple ones.
Eggs are the other one... (I did say I'm not there as a vegan!) anyway, I get rescued ex battery hens from the BHWT, and give them a run around and lots of cuddles in our garden to spare them the chop. We only eat the eggs they lay.
I think I can feasibly get to no cheese, but while we've got the retirement home for previously caged hens on the go, can't see me stopping eating the odd egg here and there...
So... sandwich ideas please!