Question is I have it set to show L-R balance is this considered to be accurate? sometimes my legs can be out by as much as 8% (54-46) according to the readings
On my Powertap P1's (measuring each leg separately) my l/r balance can be similar at lower power outputs. Around FTP and higher though I'm pretty much 50/50
I wouldn't worry about it, just be glad you didn't buy a single leg power meter
I have a Power2Max S version. It's coupled to a Rotor 3D+ crank system and looked at via a Garmin Edge 520.
Question is I have it set to show L-R balance is this considered to be accurate? sometimes my legs can be out by as much as 8% (54-46) according to the readings.
I do have uneven leg strength exacerbated by a Patela twinge last November which is only just receding.