Bit of a result on the wheel front today. I work in the bicycle industry and one of my long time suppliers offered me these at a silly price, on the proviso I use on the Masi and don't resale them!!
American Classic Argent's , they seem to tick all the boxes;
Light at 1392g , but not carbon or deep section.
Conventional spokes , and spare rim availability , just in case I ding them !
They're look good ! much better than previous versions ,that looked like they'd been sticker bombed by a 10 year old.
Tubeless - really keen to try tubeless out .
Fitted a pair of Schwalbe Pro Ones , they're 23mm but look more like 25mm on the wide AC rims.
Bit of a result on the wheel front today. I work in the bicycle industry and one of my long time suppliers offered me these at a silly price, on the proviso I use on the Masi and don't resale them!!
American Classic Argent's , they seem to tick all the boxes;
Light at 1392g , but not carbon or deep section.
Conventional spokes , and spare rim availability , just in case I ding them !
They're look good ! much better than previous versions ,that looked like they'd been sticker bombed by a 10 year old.
Tubeless - really keen to try tubeless out .
Fitted a pair of Schwalbe Pro Ones , they're 23mm but look more like 25mm on the wide AC rims.