I managed it on my Lumia 640 / WP10, similar set up with my domain in the address but 1&1.co.uk servers. Of course that was all a long time ago, so I can't remember exactly what I did, but I don't recall having any trouble and it can definitely be done. I used IMAP rather than POP, but that shouldn't make any difference.
It's always worth double checking that you've spelt the server names correctly and that you're using the exact format required for username and password
Cant's set up email on mrs cnr's windows phone (microsoft lumia 640).
I've updated to windows 10.
The email account is a hosted domain (Clarahost Soho), so my emails at xxx@mydomainname.co.uk but the mail servers are clara's e.g. pop.clara.net.
I've put all the mail settings that I would require to make the email work in an andoid phone or any other mail client i can think of - but it don't work.
I have run out of ideas. Other than get an android phone...
any advice gratefully received.