• #10802
I've got a 6 going spare with a crack across the top of the screen, it doesn't go on the to the display and hasn't affected me using it for the last year. It's unlocked, 64gb, shove a £1 screen protector on and you won't know the difference.
• #10803
What sort of ££ is this 15" MBP worth?
condition 9.5/10 only mark is the tiniest of scratches next to the trackpad from a watch I think
256GB Flash storage
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• #10804
• #10805
wow keeping it.
specs are there or thereabouts as good as new ones!
• #10806
I just did a quick ebay search - one is finishing today and currently on £750 with 48 bids
But then ebay/PP fees etc and the hassle of ebay. You might get more but tbh I wouldn't think worth selling
• #10807
on a sidenote, anyone selling a Macbook Air 11"?
• #10808
CPUs have improved notably in half a decade. But that's not to say that isn't still a good machine.
• #10809
What's a nice case/shell and sleeve for a 15" MBP pleeze?
• #10810
Get the Thule, not the prettiest but hard as nails...
1 Attachment
• #10811
Pfftt. PeliCase or gtfo.
• #10812
Ooh, didn't know about those... But how much does that sucker weigh?
I chuck mine in my Mission Workshop backpack and away I go... Kept it pristine for nearly five years...
• #10813
Yeah... they weigh a bit and cost even more but for ultimate protection there really isn't anything better.
• #10814
Seemed like something for those who does not have a cloud-base backup system.
• #10815
They look great, overkill for me but bloody lovely...
• #10816
CPUs have improved notably in half a decade.
16 times as much according to Moors Law if you base it on transistor density.
• #10817
Moore's Law is failing tho'...
• #10818
Hi All, I have an old Power Mac G5 gathering dust in my loft, do these old beasts have any use these days. I was thinking it would make a nice Hackintosh, otherwise it's heading for the tip which seems a shame, thoughts?
Edit: Google yielded some interesting results....
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• #10819
Go hackintosh! There are conversion kits.
• #10820
Had a weird one yesterday. MBP screen was darker than usual at startup, after password, screen would go black and then starting playing audio from whatever pop-up ad my blind stabbing at the keyboard had inadvertently triggered. Screen stayed black.
Shut off and restarted three times with same result before rebooting in recovery mode which meant having to reset my apple ID and computer password. Now every time I restart I get a list of notifications for applications which have failed keychain authorisation at login and have to enter the old password to close them. Any ideas? Apart from that everything seems to be fine.
• #10821
Moore's Law is failing tho'...
Yeah. Electron quantum behaviour is a bitch.
• #10822
Anybody used the "Migration Assistant" before?
I'm buying a macbook pro from a colleague who got an upgrade for their daughter. Daughter wants all the stuff from her old mac onto her new one. Best using the migration assistant or any other suggestions?
Cheers all.
• #10823
Well, it work for me, new computer felt like old computer with minimal fuss.
• #10824
Cheers Ed, hopefully it all goes smoothly.
• #10825
Can anyone recommend an independent Apple technician in South East London to install an SSD HD in a 2010 iMac?
Apologies for the cross post from wanted, but I'm urgently after an iPhone 5s or 6 to replace my girlfriend's dead one. Please let me know if you have anything. Ta