Er, whut?
Did you install a Ubiquiti Controller? If so... yes... it is the master and a security principle is that if the master is gone, the slaves don't act independently.
But you can run a UniFi AP without the Controller software and just configure it using an iOS or Android app. Which is how I do it, and does not require keeping any computer turned on to run the Controller software.
I stand corrected then. will hunt for more details on how to run it but everything I found seemed to suggest it had to be running on a computer for you to be able to access the AP.
was planning on buying a cloud key controller to avoid doing so, so this is good news.
edit: I think this was what I read... https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Wireless/UniFi-AP-without-Controller-software/td-p/301678
It's worth adding that if you use the ubiquiti access point you will need the control software running on a networked computer for it to function. am super pleased with my setup but when I reboot my mac mini my wifi network goes down until it finished booting again. which is a great way to wind up the girlfriend btw.