But they also didn't put in they would NOT have to vote on it if you want to be trollin' ;)
Oh, it's a perfectly cogent argument:
Parliament missed its chance not once, no, but several times.
If we gave it a vote now, we'd be rubbing Parliament's noses in our munificence.
Can't allow that to happen, it would only undermine Parliament.
I had to look up munificence...bloody furrigners... (me) ;)
Joking aside, what do you do if a law isn't clear? Because I'd say because it isn't clear, you can't assume? Or are omissions always taken as "you didn't put it in, so it doesn't count" in UK law?
No mention either that it's an ADVISORY referendum and now somehow it's not anymore... ;)
But they also didn't put in they would NOT have to vote on it if you want to be trollin' ;)
So I don't know how such things are weighed if there's no precedent. Either way, well done to all involved :/