Meanwhile, in Cambridge, some over-privileged sanctimonious melts are up in arms because there are trace elements of tallow in the new fiver.
Shop that exists to provide products which are free of/from dead animals puts this moral value/belief before the desire for money. People who don't share shop's moral position call them "knobheads" and tell them to "get a fucking grip."
The correct response to this shops actions should be, I think for the most part, "meh."
2016 will probably be remembered as the year it all started really going to shit.
In Europe, mainstream politics seams to be taking a (very regrettable) swing to the far right - and there are worrying signs that the banking systems of Germany and Italy could well be in deep shit.
In the UK, many of our political leaders and the media are openly suggesting we simply ignore the result of a public, democratic referendum, just 'cos they don't fancy how it turned out.
The Middle East is in turmoil, and there are literally millions of homeless and dispossessed trying to find sanctuary somewhere in the world.
The United States - the most dominant military power on earth have elected a retard as President.
Meanwhile, in Cambridge, some over-privileged sanctimonious melts are up in arms because there are trace elements of tallow in the new fiver.
Get a fucking grip.