Well now I'm a bit worried. We're about the same height but I've gone a size up to you and didn't really want any less seatpost showing than you've got there.
Guess I'll have to wait and mock it up when it arrives and sling it back up on here if it doesn't work out. I'm sure I won't have too much trouble getting back £250 quid for it.
Am I right in thinking the seatpost is 31.6?
Well now I'm a bit worried. We're about the same height but I've gone a size up to you and didn't really want any less seatpost showing than you've got there.
Guess I'll have to wait and mock it up when it arrives and sling it back up on here if it doesn't work out. I'm sure I won't have too much trouble getting back £250 quid for it.
Am I right in thinking the seatpost is 31.6?