• #52
That's 'Good Old Uncle Vlad', to you.
• #53
As I implied, I don't read it. It was just a link that came up, although I can't remember particularly disagreeing with anything on that page. 'Evil' certainly has a usage for things like 'evil actions', or, as a noun, 'he did evil', so 'evil legislation' didn't strike me as a particularly odd thing to say. My media literacy will always be poor, it's just not my thing.
• #54
Some interesting stat references in this--more renting than owning (nothing new, really, but it's worth banging on about as there's still resistance in some quarters against accepting it):
• #56
It rumbles on (note the mistake in the URL, which may have been in the headline before it was corrected):
• #58
What's a cupboard bear?
• #59
Not in London, but this was clearly a housing protest and a half:
• #60
Great article. Although I think he shoehorned "discombobulated" in there.
• #62
I wonder if politics are being played here, as at least some of the remaining residents appear to have bought under 'Right to Buy':
(I don't mean to imply that Piers Corbyn being involved has anything to do with 'Right to Buy'.)
• #63
This might interest those on here who used to 'guard' properties with Camelot:
• #65
I thought this would happen. What a shame they chose not to engage, big loss of credibility in my eyes.
Of course this is a PR management strategy by Camelot, and the squatters have just handed them round one.
Does anyone know the details regarding the terms for 'property guardians' that they are complaining about?
• #66
It goes on:
Does anyone know the details regarding the terms for 'property guardians' that they are complaining about?
Some on here have been property guardians and could probably tell you, but, I imagine, not on this thread.
• #67
All I can gather is that the terms do not give 'full tenant rights', but isn't this abundantly apparent to anyone becoming a guardian?
It is a £3m office- I'm going to assume there is a lot of space, is 12 the maximum occupancy? Is there an opportunity for other homeless people to join and make it a residence for a while? If so how will they decide if someone merits some space in the same building with them?
Other recent 'media worthy' squat setups on empty estates put this effort to shame.
• #68
Wow, I don't even know where to start with this one:
• #69
The difference between tenants rights and what guardians are entitled too can vary depending on the guardian company. I know that some have curfews, no guests policies and the ability to evict with as little as 24hrs notice. Often the living conditions are less than satisfactory. A commercial property I visited recently that was meant to house around 8 - 10 people had 20 living there against the agreement between them & owners. They do stuff like this because each of the 'service users' has to pay. For the place I'm talking about the cost was pretty much the same as a cheaply rented place. Then they charge the owners and pocket tons of money.
• #70
I'd say the Camelot occupation is a bit different to the housing estate occupations since its a protest against guardian companies in a building owned by a business. The likelihood of the building being squatted for a long time is almost nil so it's not ideal as temporary housing.
The estate occupations were obviously to try to defend long term tenants from being evicted, a lot of the time, by councils who didn't offer people enough support or further options. I think it's hard to compare the two. -
• #71
Standard practice. The 'guardian' numbers always inflate year on year along with cost and 'fees', till it either 1. Becomes unruly or 2. Council starts sniffing, then it's a case of break it down and acquire more property.
The longest one I've been in was a shade over two years before a combination of greed/flaunting of the rules/personal profit bought it down. -
• #72
I know the 'Live in Guardians' company are pretty good at charging a bomb, over filling properties, getting property owners to pay out the arse to install utilities and even manage to try to nick back the stuff in the building that the owner paid for!
Think they're one of the more crappy companies. -
• #73
I've lived with a whole bunch of them. Live in Guardians being the last one before it all got a bit long in the tooth (I got too involved) and have a particularly interesting story to them. Let's just say they had to do some very hard restructuring a couple or so years back. They used to be the cheapest when Camelot and AdHoc were hoovering it all up.
All profiteering bastards as far as I'm concerned now. -
• #74
Patrick Schumacher makes a living designing trophy pieces for despot regimes. The fact that his views are to the right of Hitler should come as no surprise.
• #75
Thanks, I'd never heard of him.
Russia Today, one of Putin's mouthpieces. They love any negative story about the UK and ham them up to high heaven. There absolutely is a housing crisis in Britain but look at the quotes they chose to make prominent - 'evil legislation' etc. The legislation is almost certainly bad, misguided and ideologically flawed but it seems very unlikely to have become sentient.
If you are reading RT but don't know what it is you should probably work on your media literacy :)