• #10227
Is the Air slow in a particular way? A lot of these "cleaning" apps are full of Adware but some of them are legit.
• #10228
it is almost 6 years old so I think it is time to lay it down to rest. can't hurt trying that piece of software though. I reinstalled the OS completely clean a year ago and she only uses it for a bit of word processing and netflix. plenty of storage space left. spotify seems to make it drop to its knees though
• #10229
Haven't tried it myself but was doing some research on it recently and came to the conclusion that is wasn't worth it for me mainly due to the price of the boxes and all the faff of setting it up and what's involved in connecting and disconnecting it
• #10230
4GB of RAM is barely anything these days but that shouldn't mean the computer isn't capable of running as smoothly as it did before unless there's some hardware fault.
If you've re-installed the OS, that's one thing. Is there a possibility some malware got on there? Try that Dr. Cleaner thing or a trial of Cocktail (maintain.se) and if that doesn't improve matters, download Black Magic Disk Speed Test. Totally legit disk benchmarking tool. That should indicate if the SSD is wearing out.
• #10231
thank you very much, will try all of those. I would assume it is the SSD wearing out (its only the 64gb model).
• #10232
Trying to change my password and not having much luck!
I'm using an iMac, using El Capitan 10.11.6 and I've gone into the 'user & groups' systems prefs, I type in my existing password and the replacement one - but get the following message...
The password for the account “XX” was not changed.
The server is not available. Change your password when the server becomes available.Any ideas please?
• #10233
First thing to do is alway Google the error message:
• #10234
Thank you - I did try, but not sure what the reply/answer meant...
down vote
acceptedUnbind from AD and then binding to AD fixed my issue
Few PointersBind & Unbind from Directory Utility not from the Users Group > Network Account Server > Edit It's the same screenshot as shown above in the question We also updated the Prfer this Domain Server to a new server instead of domain.com it was a specific server name
Do you have any ideas!?
• #10235
Are you the Admin?
• #10236
Yes I am
• #10237
I would set up a new admin account, then downgrade the other account to user.
• #10238
I was thinking of using Migration assistant to copy my existing preferences and then deleting the old account. Would that work?
• #10239
There is a way to change the password in Recovery Mode:
Restart or boot up your Mac and, while it's starting up, hold down Cmd + R. After a short wait this will boot you, without asking for a password, into Recovery Mode. Select Utilities (in the top menu bar), then Terminal. Type resetpassword, press Enter, and you'll be taken to the password reset menu. Now select the hard drive and the user whose password you wish to change, type in a new password, and hit Save.
<< this seems too good to be true, but there you go >>
• #10240
Sounds like a plan - can't believe it has to be so difficult.
I did wonder whether to go down the 'forgotten password' route, so thanks for this. -
• #10241
No worries, let us know how you got on.
• #10242
Am filming a pilot for an ad on Friday and need to show an iOS app being used. Because the app is location and time dependent and I can't pre program these I will probably need to use it in the correct time and place and record the screen, then when we film I can just play the recording and the actor can appear to interact.
Unless anyone else has a better solution than the above, what apps can I use to record lag-free from an iPhone 6 without jail breaking or using some kind of emulator software?
• #10243
You can screen record your IPhone using QuickTime player
• #10244
Awesome! Shall try tomorrow. Thank you!
• #10245
you can get apps that change your gps location and I imagine you can change the time on the phone too if you do need to spoof things.
• #10246
I'd be inclined to split the two processes up so you script and record all screen interactions straight from the phone, then record the actor based on that. Realising post shoot that you missed something or whatever data on the phone is wrong will be a pain
• #10247
Does this involve jailbreaking or anything fancy and beyond my limited technical nous?
• #10248
What is the purpose of the film? Is it a commercial or more of a tutorial/infomercial style?
If you need to film step step by step use of the app scene you can record each section using quicktime, cut each section to the length you require then play each back on the phone having the actor mimic the actions. If you require more flexibility or a nicer image than recording the screen you can comp the screen recording onto the phone afterwards.
• #10249
not done it myself but was all the rage for a bit with pokemon go players before they figured out how to block them in their app for cheating.
• #10250
Any solid way to get music off my iPhone onto a new mac? Software or otherwise. Needs to be as high quality as possible.
My MBP used to go into panic in Logic til I installed it, runs absolutely great now and also totally fixed my lady's MBP which was virtually unusable beforehand... Hope it helps!