Since my frame's seat pin area is a bit warped meaning I can't tighten my seatpost up properly - though the ovalised tubing has stopped it going too far down - and its going in for a quick welding job shortly I was wondering whether fitting a grub screw would be a plausible option.
Obviously it wouldn't be optimal, but its a bit of a rat etc.
So what would I search for and where would I find, the block I would need welded to the seat tube that houses the grub screw?
I've googled threaded steel block but the issue is I need it fairly soon and hence would like to get it in a shop.
Since my frame's seat pin area is a bit warped meaning I can't tighten my seatpost up properly - though the ovalised tubing has stopped it going too far down - and its going in for a quick welding job shortly I was wondering whether fitting a grub screw would be a plausible option.
Obviously it wouldn't be optimal, but its a bit of a rat etc.
So what would I search for and where would I find, the block I would need welded to the seat tube that houses the grub screw?
I've googled threaded steel block but the issue is I need it fairly soon and hence would like to get it in a shop.