• #42927
Little bruv got 7 years at 19...oof. I assume he'll come out a better person for the experience.
• #42928
Her brother isn't white though and went to a state school.
• #42929
Well he deserved it then
• #42930
Morning hombres
• #42931
Scientists are idiots - there's a huge planet right in the middle of our solar system and they haven't even got a clue where. Do some sciencing, morans!
• #42932
“At this stage we have so many lines of evidence that there’s a massive planet out there,” he added, “that if there’s not a massive planet out there it has to be that there was one there yesterday and disappeared.”
• #42933
Balls, I've only just bought a new orrery and now you're telling me it's obsolete.
We wouldn't have this problem if the earth was flat.
• #42934
sets up an online poll to call new planet "your mum" when it is finally discovered
• #42935
Planety McPlanet Face
• #42939
Scientists are idiots - there's a huge planet right in the middle of our solar system and they haven't even got a clue where. Do some sciencing, morans!
A hypothetical giant world beyond Neptune
Yeah. Huge planet. Right in the middle of our solar system.
• #42940
The Sun are going after the housewives' favourite.
But the best thing is the Sun accusing someone of peddling lies. They obviously don't like competition.
• #42941
Not just any lies. Migrant lies. British lies are obviously fine.
• #42942
he should just keep his opinions to himself, just like jeremy clarkson didn't.
• #42943
But unlike Jeremy Clarkson, he didn't have a column in the aforementioned rag. So he's obviously fair game...
• #42944
'Don't say what people don't think, that's ridiculous and you should be fired for it.'
'I'm not racist, just speaking my mind. Freedom of speech.'
• #42946
beautiful from Mark Steel
"This is why many commentators have made statements such as: “I’m as compassionate as anyone, and would happily dedicate my whole life to helping genuine refugees. But if some Afghan whose village has been shelled by warlords and had to live in a cave eating lizards carries his own mother across Hungary and then tries to come over here saying he’s 17 when he’s clearly 19, I’d be the first to strap him to a pedalo with masking tape and drop the ungrateful cockroach in the North Sea during a force nine gale.”"
• #42947
• #42948
I think he's being facetious.
• #42949
Given that the government screws things up generally, isn't it possible that they're also screwing up their 'asylum seeker' policy? I only say this because 'a friend of a friend' who was involved with Afghan kids granted asylum (in a sort of fostering capacity) reckons they are rarely seeking asylum from anything: they've be sent here by relatives who see them as potential cash cows. Moreover, these young men - because they are young men a lot of the time - aren't particularly happy about it.
• #42950
Competency isn't really the question. Everyone wants competent and just decisions to be made. The point is that those losing their shit because they may be 19 or older need to have a word work themselves.
Would rather be a dealer.