Nice to meet you @Josh89, sorry if I rambled on, I think the wine and the joint did it ;0)hooked up with some of the Dutch contingent, @SimplexNL , @peter_v and our friend who' s name escapes me
I caught up with old mate @peter_v on the ride and stacked it twice on the down hill, think my balls are bigger than my brain
In Como now, factory visit tomorrow!
Got some fucking cracking picture of @peter_v and me on that laser,
After I left @Josh89 I wandered drunkish back to the Cinelli/Columbus stand, and got a pick of the dude holding my bike
He said lets keep in touch, so I put my details in his phone, I was pretty punch drunk with that , and when I walked away I left my camera at their concession, he called me back for it, then I knocked a bin over at the food stall with my bike, fucking bulb I said to me self
Next day, at the first feed stop, whilst I was milling around, he called my name and came to me , cool guy, was doing the ride with an slr cam over his shoulder, will post pics soon, Pasta party with the sterk nederlands wielers was also a highlight"Concurse d' elegance' was good as well, made friends with two other uk entrants, "cool Bob " with his chrome Hetchins , and big Dave , who won with his gios, Bob also from se London , so 2 of us represented and one won, which I was happy with
They asked me and Dave for an "interview" on film, and we both Immediately swore to ' ham it up' , so not sure if it will be "on general release"@peter_v, my mate I introduced you to has been living in Melbourne , knows Andy fxo, says scene massive there
Hate posting on iPad, fucking pony
What a brilliant - If not brutal ride! I did the long one and got my bottle of plonk :-)
The white roads towards the end were tough on my 'vintage' tyres, I had 4 flats which cost me a bunch of time - so I didn't finish until 7
Saying that you don't really mind about flats tyres, time, or the battery acid pumping through your legs when you look at how stunning the countryside your riding through is.
Love to do it again, however next time leave earlier, bring better tyres, drink more wine.