look around you. everyone's a cunt - it's why we come here.
sadly i think you're probably right about the party splitting, however i also think it's worth considering why people think the PLP are scum and that perhaps a labour party without them is possibly the only option. disenfranchising members, calling them 'trots', 'nazi stormtroopers' and 'lunatics' whilst undermining their own democratic process isn't going to sit well with many.
By the same token, I think calling most of everyone in the PLP 'Blairite scum' isn't very helpful. There's a debate to be had about strategy, and it's reasonable to disagree over whether the party should tack left or tack to the centre. But the level of vitriol flying around means that those views probably now won't ever be reconciled.
I've probably inspired greater use of the word 'cunt' by pointing out how much it's bandied about - but genuinely, how is the Labour party not going to split when a lot of the people supporting JC think that the rest of the PLP are pretty much scum? Is there any way back when the level of discourse has sunk so low?