• #1252
David Cameron fucked a pig and he seemed to be able to shrug it off.
• #1253
That's because he had every newspaper and media outlet backing him.
• #1254
Owen Smith calling for second referendum after any deal with the EU is put together. Wasn't that the approach from Boris Johnson?
• #1255
Yup, but the problem is that is doesn't work.
The EU won't negotiate without article 50 being triggered, and once it has been, we can't go back, so a second referendum would have to be before negotiations start, but...
• #1256
Referendum or a general election. The difference - as you know - is that he's calling for this because he's pro-EU and trying to stop the mess that is Brexit going ahead. Boris Johnson (and others) lied through their teeth then didn't have a plan, so personally I think it's only right that the British public gets an 'Are you sure?' before the nuclear option is triggered.
It's good to hear this from a Labour leadership contender and a shame we're not hearing anything similar from Corbyn, but then as Smith has pointed out he did call for article 50 to be triggered immediately after the vote so what should we expect.
Smith has also called on Corbyn to match this commitment. I'm sure he will right, most of his supporters are pro-EU, so why wouldn't he?
• #1257
Referendum or a general election.
I think Owen Smith is right on this, but he needs to be less blatant about simply trying to reverse the public's decision. The issues around leaving the EU are as complex and varied as those we vote on in a general election, but general elections don't have a simple yes / no outcome. General elections allow everyone to vote for representation of their views, and the result is nuanced, and the winning side have to take the views of the losing side into account. With this referendum, half the country are disenfranchised.
whatever the "truth" of traingate, Corbyn was clearly trying to spin his train journey. I thought his whole shtick was that he wasn't about spin? I also agree however that the beeb are coming down pretty heavy against him on this, with a certain relish. Disappointing all round.
• #1258
Traingate is just another example of amateurism from Corbyn's team. The problem isn't that this was staged, rather that it was unstaged and unplanned. If it was staged, they would've had a plan for dealing with or even preempting the inevitable backlash from Virgin.
• #1259
The problem isn't that this was staged, rather that it was unstaged and unplanned.
Yes, I much prefer politics when everything has been set up, politicians have their answers already prepared, and the counter spin has been thought of to sell to the media.
• #1260
We'd all like money to grow on trees, the sun to shine every day, and love and peace to flow unchecked throughout humanity, but unfortunately this is the real world.
• #1261
Yes I'd agree on that - the problem is his current approach opens him up to claims he is ignoring the will of the people/the democratic process etc. His answer on the Today programme this morning was that he is calling for more democracy, not less. I see his point but not sure that quite cuts it.
For the record, I'm not actually sure Corbyn himself was trying to spin his train journey. I'd be genuinely surprised if a man of such principles sat on the floor to provide a photo opportunity. But it does seem some of the team around him have dumped him in it - and are rank amateurs at media relations compared to Richard Scott, as @T-V says.
• #1263
It was staged, just badly, and subsequently managed incompetently.
• #1264
Similar to the debacle around Diane Abbot privately educating her kids.
Though the article is biased by omission: there's no info about the education of Owen Smith's kids, or those of his team.
• #1265
Except the ever classy Abbot threw in the race card
• #1266
I find it very odd that Owen Smith is being so vehemently anti Brexit. It's like he hasn't twigged that a big proportion of disillusioned Labour voters voted out. But critically, how can he not see people have had enough of politicians ignoring popular opinion and just doing what they want?
He will be a disaster for Labour. Possibly even more so than Corbyn. I want to cry.
The Ed Miller Band was on the news this morning backing Owen's suggestion of another referendum. Humphries asked him whether he thought he should have got another go at the general election. Lozzles.
• #1267
Should I throw my hands up in the air and say "i just don't care"?
• #1268
Humphries asked him whether he thought he should have got another go at the general election.
Ha - although with all the electoral laws the Tories seem to have broken... What happened to that news?
• #1269
• #1270
^ All this fuss about a Virgin berth.
• #1272
It was a good day for burying bad news.
• #1273
^ All this fuss about a Virgin berth.
Close the thread, we've peaked.
• #1274
• #1275
He will be a disaster for Labour. Possibly even more so than Corbyn. I want to cry.
I know. I just voted for Smith. It felt like throwing a cup of water at a burning building.
CORBYN STEALS SEAT FROM DISABLED OLD LADY would have been the headline.