• #8452
Cocktails, cocktail culture, cocktail bars
• #8453
"straw man" and "ad hominem" in every try-hard internet bickerfest ever.
• #8454
Non-sequitur, too.
• #8455
people should just stick to calling each other cunts and be done with it.
• #8456
My neighbour . Just told me she feeds seagulls at 430 a.m daily . Why it sounds like Brighton every day.
• #8457
Liberally sprinkle bread with baking powder, then feed to the seagulls. Problem solved.
• #8458
If it is a real problem contact the Environmental Health office at your local council and they can consider anti social behaviour legislation and the like. Alternatively poo in a paper bag set it alight on your neighbour's doorstep and then ring her doorbell (then run away).
• #8459
Yeah shitting in a bag sounds like perfectly normal behaviour. I'll do that thanks
• #8460
You know it makes sense.
• #8461
you could always shit in a seagull and set it on fire on her doorstep and when she stomps it out report her to RSPCA*
*no animals were harmed in the making of this post
• #8462
Careful, you'll upset the vegans
• #8463
This advert
at 5 seconds
Because drivers letting other drivers pull out like that has been the majority of my brown trouser moments when riding in london -
• #8464
"Courtesy causes confusion" a quote from my motorcycle instructor that stuck with me.
• #8465
People sending emails regarding something that needs your urgent attention when there is an internal (mobile) phone system available.
• #8466
Car parks in parent and baby space
Parent and two 8 year olds get out
• #8467
I have zero tolerance to inappropriate use of the parent with child parking spaces. boils, then condenses, then re-boils my piss.
• #8468
When you take the Grade 3 guard off the hair clippers to clear some hair build-up, then forget to put it back on and your "do" becomes an inverse Mohawk.
• #8470
A little striped thundercunt landed and stung me on the back of the neck halfway through a 30-odd mile ride
• #8471
/\ had the same deal but between forehead and helmet, whilst climbing Staple Lane. Caused much swearing and a PR!
• #8472
There's a thread for those bastards.
• #8473
Fuck off! I always use them when I go shopping with my 74yr old mum. The clue is in the name - parent and child, innit.
• #8474
I find having a No.1 avoids this to a degree. have done it a bit too often and given the difference hardly anyone notices... except my wife who almost literally pissed herself laughing when I did it the first time.
• #8475
Oh great. Thanks. Moan re-posted.
i suspect a massive beak habit may be partly to blame.