The £35 Dualit and Melitta burr grinders are absolutely fine for brewed coffee, they're realistically priced and they're a huge improvement over pre-ground coffee. It will even make a passable espresso with a fairly dark roast (light roasts need finer grinding which might be just beyond the limit of these machines). I've done some blind tests between these and our industrial Mahlkonig grinders, and although there is a noticable loss of complexity and clarity when tasted side-by-side the domestic grinders still do a good job. A better comparison would be between coffee ground on a Dualit and coffee preground and sealed in a bag for a month - then you would appreciate what a good investment the Dualit is.
They're noisy and plasticky and brittle, the burrs are tiny so they get hot which is what robs some detail from the brew. If you want something built a bit better then you need a Mignon but that's a big leap in price. Having one of these grinders will do great things for your coffee brewing.
The £35 Dualit and Melitta burr grinders are absolutely fine for brewed coffee, they're realistically priced and they're a huge improvement over pre-ground coffee. It will even make a passable espresso with a fairly dark roast (light roasts need finer grinding which might be just beyond the limit of these machines). I've done some blind tests between these and our industrial Mahlkonig grinders, and although there is a noticable loss of complexity and clarity when tasted side-by-side the domestic grinders still do a good job. A better comparison would be between coffee ground on a Dualit and coffee preground and sealed in a bag for a month - then you would appreciate what a good investment the Dualit is.
They're noisy and plasticky and brittle, the burrs are tiny so they get hot which is what robs some detail from the brew. If you want something built a bit better then you need a Mignon but that's a big leap in price. Having one of these grinders will do great things for your coffee brewing.