I'm not sure why Greece got punished. Some say it was gambling on interest rates by the ECB in the benefit of Germany. If that's true, it's still a shitty thing to do.
But yes a Brexit will benefit the hyper-liberal deregulation team.
There's a risk though of the EU losing its shit and throwing the baby out with the bathwater due to extended UK arrogance. I am hoping they will sit tight and not pull the "oh look you people wanted this, it's democracy, fuck you" attitude.
But if they do, perhaps the UK has only itself to blame. I am hoping they read further and realize it's the neo-lib powers to blame.
I don't think the attitude to Greece and Britain compare really.
Greece got punished without economic reason because punishing it played well in German constituencies.
In Britain's case I don't really see what option the EU has but to go for a punitive settlement. They're not stupid. The people who have something to gain from Brexit are the economically hyper-liberal. They want to do away with regulation on the environment, worker and human rights and have access to a free market within Europe and the rest of the world. All the advantages with none of the rules. That's the Norway solution some tories are now trying to sell. It's the neo-liberal dream.
If they pull that one off, the EU crumbles for sure. The EU's best shot is holding on, waiting for the populist right to mood to change and pointing to a Britain in recession as a case study in what not to do.