• Totally. It's so frustrating.

    We should, today, be asking the question "What happens when technology has made 90% of the jobs in the country irrelevant?".

    We should be embracing the peace, stability, and artistic, creative renaissance that could well await the entire human race. We should usher it in, embrace it and make it happen sooner.

    But instead, everyone is getting selfish and fighting to not lose their little thing, their inch of land, their job title, their view.

    We should be figuring out how to redistribute the proceeds better, of this wealth machine. How to spread that evenly. How do we get to 100% technological literacy? How could we improve the lives of all in this country and others?

    It's the economy. It's the technological revolution. We can't stop that revolution by voting ourselves out of it, but we can definitely lose control of the very few levers that exists that has enough leverage to build a better future.

  • We should, today, be asking the question "What happens when technology has made 90% of the jobs in the country irrelevant?".

    The obvious answer should be, until we live in a post scarcity environment, we should be working on the technology that will take care of the other 10%. It'll be infinitely harder and require exponentially more human effort to achieve.
