• #377
Well how else are we going to get our vintage used parts on e-bay w/o paying import duties... :p
• #378
• #379
Good idea, I've parents in the Netherlands and contacts in France.
Uppa the latest crime syndicate :P
• #380
Am I correct in thinking that today is the last day to register for a postal vote?
If so, I have some heckling to do.
• #381
Yes, you are completely right. Bear in mind that you already have to be registered to vote to do this.
• #382
Stolen from Facearse
• #383
And choose Northern Ireland possibly leaving or being forced into a hell of a recession.
You guys do think of us sometimes.
[cries in corner]
• #384
Sorry who are you lot again?
• #385
Depends on who you ask.
Northern Irish
Bloody Foreigner:P
• #386
I'm looking forward to when they build border control fences where the line runs between two neighbour's properties.
• #387
Some for the other side:
Brussel Sprouts (as in there won't be any)
Flout the ECHR
Doubt as to what happens nextAny more?
• #388
Boris isn't actually a cunt we promise.
• #389
Frankly, I think they should build a wall in the Channel.
• #390
Fingers crossed?
• #391
La manche or the English channel?
• #393
Random point, probably already been made...
If I were on the fence (or mid-manche wall from Oliver's post above), the biggest thing that would make me vote 'in' would be my mistrust of those who are in power with respect to their ability (or otherwise) to negotiate a favourable exit and new trade / other deals. I have yet to find anyone who thinks the current lot on either side of the house would get close to the best deal if the worst should happen. This worries me more than the prospect of leaving the EU, that our elected representatives aren't good enough to make even the best of a bad decision. No idea where we go from there, if it happens.
• #394
Sarah Woolstone MP swaps to Remain.
• #395
Am I being cynical to suggest some intentional political choreography there? I suspect there will now be a series of high profile flops based on changing opinions of key referendum issues.
• #397
It is.
This is less ranty, but good too; http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexitvote/2016/05/27/dear-friends-this-is-why-i-will-vote-remain-in-the-referendum/
• #398
Did the postal vote today as we'll be on holiday when the ref happens.
Suddenly felt very fucking serious, holding the ballot paper.
• #399
today's vote leave leaflet, list of countries set to join the EU, plus added SYRIA & IRAQ!!!!1 for no apparent reason.
• #400
Turkey has been rejected the past 15 years, and with Erdogan I really do not see it happening.
Flogging a dead turkish horse, unless I missed something?
Could do without 'Shopping'.