• Ha, no I am in the market for a commercial espresso machine with a budget in that ballpark. This particular machine normally would sell used for around £5-7k. It really is too good to be true, but I'd had some gin and now I have enormous, huge remorse.

    What was meant to happen was I would hit BIN to secure it, get in touch with the seller, arrange cash on collection and bail if anything smelt fishy. What happened was I hit BIN and Paypal took the cash immediately. Probably could have been avoided if I wasn't such a bellend.

  • Don't worry. Paypal will give you the money back if you don't get what you thought you were going to get. I've good experience of this, been in that situation before!

  • was I hit BIN and Paypal took the cash immediately

    Whenever I've bought anything, the purchase and the payment were separate.

    Perhaps it's because of the value?
