As far as I can remember you can find the previous sheets on your drive (if you were signed in to fill the form in).
It may help to look at mine if I have written anything specific to mine in wording; mine was the hand one.I can't remember how I made such that the votes came into the sheet, though I believe it was fairly trivial (I think if you go to the form and click 'view repsonses in sheets' and use that as the 1st sheet or Form Responses 1 - I think that was the name MrDrem and I gave it.
The only thing I really copy and pasted was "=countif('Form Responses 1'!C:C,A2)" which is used to count number of references to A2 in that sheet (the name of what picture you select) from 'Form responses 1' sheet, I think.
From there it was all straight forward.
This won't mean much unless youre looking at the sheets.I'm not trying to get you to do it but just explaining how I did it - to those who may need to know - through means of a relevant reply BTW.
teach a man to fish ect...
putting it onto an excel (sheets) is what has been done.