Lots of questions:
Did you push too hard at miles 9 & 10?
If you remove the low hr walk section what was you ave hr for the run, 145 ish at a guess? Why didn't you run it at 138ish like yesterday?
How far did you run to get to the 5km yesterday? Had you doubled up like this previously, what were the 'day after' runs like if so?
Advice would be to repeat sometime in the future maintaining lower hr throughout so you finish feeling fresher.
What are your taper plans?
Lots of questions:
Did you push too hard at miles 9 & 10?
I don't think so, I didn't speed up, just felt better.
If you remove the low hr walk section what was you ave hr for the run, 145 ish at a guess? Why didn't you run it at 138ish like yesterday?
In a word, elevation - 5k was flat, today wasn't:
How far did you run to get to the 5km yesterday? Had you doubled up like this previously, what were the 'day after' runs like if so?
Just under 3k, hardly anything therefore. I've always done a longer run after a day off before.
Advice would be to repeat sometime in the future maintaining lower hr throughout so you finish feeling fresher.
I could probably achieve that by running a flatter route
What are your taper plans?
Flying to Stockholm on the 1st, was going to focus on relaxing 1/2/3 then the marathon on the 4th
Bit more detail on my run today, mostly as a request for opinions.
I'd run to, and then ran, a 5k yesterday, before that I'd taken a couple of days off. The 5k was at a social/conversational pace, I averaged 138 bpm.
That brings us to this morning - set off, slow road section warming up and then onto the South Downs way - and the inner face of both lower legs are hurting like fuck.
I run through it, eventually around the 7k mark it fades, and then simply goes away.
10-15km is probably the best part of the run, feeling pretty strong, then after I've made the turn at around the 16k mark legs just start to lose that strength. Go on for another 10k, reach a cross roads and can't make myself go back to a run after crossing the road. Walk up the hill, round the corner, run a bit more, walk a little, turn the Garmin off at the 31st Km as I know I'm done running.
I ran continuously for 2.5 hours, then ran/walked for a further 50 mins (which I find surprising actually, thought it was less than that).
That's where I'm at now - marathon on the 4th, next couple of weeks to get to the point where I can run it with a smile on my face.
Should I focus on trying to run 30km as my minimum distance one day, something short and fast the next, rinse and repeat? How do I force the pain out of my legs?
Here's the run - beautiful countryside, at least: https://www.strava.com/activities/576624595