• #1502
Hello all,
First post in this here vaping thread.
I put my Kanger Subox Nano Kit on eBay the other day - 'cause I've moved on up to such things as the RX200, crown tanks, DIY juice, and the like. RDAs next methinks. I didn't realise one shouldn't sell such things on eBay. Any advice on where else I should try and punt it?Thanks in advance.
• #1503
Wut, bro?
• #1504
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, or even if you were talking to me! But i can only imagine you mean "wut? you're not allowed to sell them on eBay?"? I thought so too, having bought many vaping supplies from eBay myself, but I got an email from them this morning saying they'd taken the listing down because it violates some shizzle. Maybe it's a new thing...
Edit: after a little searching, it's not a new thing at all. I just need to figure out some way of bypassing their filters. I don't know if I can be arsed.
Anyone want it? It's all packaged up to be posted and the photos I took were all in the ebay app. Can't see them on my phone. I can take it back out if needs be. Black Kanger Subox Nano Kit, no coils, no battery. The glass in the tank has some chips but no cracks and still works perfectly well, and there is an unused glass bit in the box.
£25? plus post.
• #1505
I can't even buy nicotine in Australia... Fuck... That... Shit...
• #1506
I do find it slightly strange that one can buy nicotine here on the internet, no questions asked. I'm not complaining, I'm just surprised that it's not been clamped by the powers that be.
• #1507
best 18650 battery on the market right now?
• #1508
I use the green Sony flat tops with no problems...
• #1509
Panasonic ones come in 3400mAh ... to be used with a vaporshark rdna 40... any good?
• #1510
Relevant to your interests: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03hx3tq
• #1512
the milkman churrios... yum as fuck
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• #1513
Got a bit bored of looking at the black coating flaking off the Vaporshark, so started attacking it with some sandpaper. Needs a bit more work for the desired effect.
Currently vaping the 90% VG Bluedoe, it's nice, but not amazing.. back to Custard Cream again when it runs out.
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• #1514
This is Kesh from south central vapers. A real gent. Mention lfgss for discount.
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• #1515
will visit... close to work.
• #1516
anyone heading to Vape Jam today?
• #1517
Good hoard...
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• #1518
hope Many Clouds wins today!!
• #1519
Anyone want to trade some 1.2 ohm kanger subtank coils for 0.5 ohm?
• #1520
another good hoard... this time from Birmingham... So. Much. Free. Stuff.
Attached a recent build too, dual twisted 24g Kanthal, 5 wraps...
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• #1521
That's a fuck of a lot of swag... And that deck looks off the hook!
I'm almost topping out my Sigelei 30W since I went sub ohm (only 0.7ohm), may have to upgrade... I hate upgrading!
• #1522
Thanks, it's my first attempt at a twisted build. very happy with it. The vapour is a little on the hot side, but I hit it at 130W and it's manageable there too. at 90W it's amazing. The deck is a Flawless Tugboat V2. The mod is a Releaux RX200, excellent value for money. Look at the Lavabox 200 or the Vaporshark DNA 200 if your budget allows it. Also look at the Goon RDA or the Tugboat 24 or Kennedy 24... all seem excellent and one of them will probably be my next purchase.
Upgrading is great!
• #1524
It's great. Just don't expect it to be light or that pocket friendly a mod. Battery life for days, 200W, will run resistances of: 0.05 Ohm - 1.0 Ohm in Temperature mode and 0.1 Ohm - 3.5 Ohm in Wattage mode and far cheaper than the DNA200 version. I generally leave it at home for dripping, building and tasting different flavours. Subtank on VS rDNA 40W is daily vape workhorse.
can't make claims of weight without a Dammit-style pic
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• #1525
Where's the go-to for liquid in London?
I've been buying online or a shop in Brighton as I'm down there every couple weeks.
Currently using Blue Label elixir - Soho in an IPV D3 with council of vapor Vengeance tank and it's perfect set up for me
more clouds, bro
In all seriousness, if you do lung inhales you get more warm vapor = better flavor.