• #252
I hope you can't find your radiator bleed key.
• #253
• #254
I hope her clock breaks, but the arms fall off so it's never right, then she shits herself.
• #255
I hope she has a moment of clarity, realises it's nice to be nice and spends the rest of her life doing good.
• #256
I hope she finds her perfect love of her life, with whom she has never known such contentment and joy.
And then finds out he claps on plane landings.
• #257
I hope you take your fucking nonsense, fuck off and stub your toe on the way.
• #258
How about mate instead of just saying slurs, you read a little bit.
The cologne rapes where part of practice of mass sexual assault thing known as Taharrush and was first observed in Egypt during the arab spring.
• #260
So the mass sexual assaults didn't happen in cologne, and they didn't happen in Egypt?
Bollox they didn't.
• #261
Oooh, look! A thread of subtly inventive hilarity is sliding off topic in the precise direction of Lucas.
• #262
The thread title is "Katie Hopkins" and I said what I thought about her in respond to the last couple of pages on this thread.
Apparently you have a problem with someone keeping on topic.
BTW mate, you aren't an authority over the narrative and what it means, just because you say so.
• #263
Read the article dude. They did happen, the point is that sexual harassment happens in all cultures and the taharrush term is an invention of the western media and not a fun past time practised in Arabic countries.
• #264
It happened em masse, and happened in Egypt before Cologne. It doesn't matter who coined the term ... it happened that it is a fucking complaint.
Fuck off, sexual harassment doesn't happens in all cultures. I dunno about yours, but it doesn't happen in mine en masse.
Also there are plenty of cultures that view sex very differently than we do, how can you say that is sexual harassment when the "natives" for want of a better term don't deem it as such.
I ain't I think it is right.
Anyway that is beside the point. The Cologne sexual casualty were most done my migrants, even the German police admit that and that they won't catch everyone.
• #265
How about you stop insinuating that anyone that disagrees with you is somehow hard of thinking?
Not just here, but on EVERY SINGLE THREAD you somehow manage to derail.
• #266
I hope she writes something and somebody reads it then writes about what she wrote about on some cycling forum and nobody cared.
• #267
Well I haven't heard anything interesting as yet.
Also it isn't nonsense, when I provided a link to why I had particular view about something and your response was "You are a nob lol".
Sorry you don't get to tell me what I should think.
• #268
Fuck off, sexual harassment doesn't happens in all cultures. I dunno about yours, but it doesn't happen in mine en masse.
What's "your culture"? Because if it's Western/European middle class white male then yes it does- look at the sanctuary's (referenced in the article you haven't read) that they have had to bring to Oktoberfest for women to flee too.
• #269
Stats or fuck off.
It been decreasing in the UK for most of our lives.
• #270
So you are defining your culture as "UK"?
• #271
I hope @lucas wakes up one morning, and has a mild sense of unease because of a forgotten dream, culminating in him forgetting to wish a family member happy birthday that day, reinforcing their diappointment in him.
• #272
Actually I've allowed Lucas to perform the classic bait and switch - he's wrong on his original point so he's trying to move attention to "rape happens" which is of course true and he can attempt to claim as his original point, which of course it isn't - the original point here is that Lucas lacks an ability to think critically, and blindly believes what he reads.
Naughty Lucas.
• #273
Our culture is a western culture which is part of the European Union and we agree on a set of human rights, which is what I mean when I say "our culture"
Sexual assaults have be decreasing, I've linked the UK but they have decreased in the UK and the USA over the same time period. I suspect it is the same in other EU countries.
You guys seem to make light on the fact there was a mass sexual assault assault that happened in Egypt or Cologne by saying "well there is some form of sexual assault everywhere" and ignore the fact that it was en masse.
So far Dammit you haven't linked any stats and a huffington post article (which is as bad as the the daily mail) and you say that I don't think critically?
• #274
Yes I am. And I really can't be bothered to debate with a thick cunt like you, so suck it.
• #275
You are calling me a thick cunt because you don't have a concrete argument, shame on you.
Your debating skills are on the par with "I don't like you so I am going to put my fingers in my ears and say
While she is obviously a horrible person. Sometimes even a broken clock is right twice a day.
The cologne rapes where part of practice of mass sexual assault thing known as Taharrush and was first observed in Egypt during the arab spring.