fucking car alarms that never end. ok we get it someones messing with your fucking precious and you're not here, no, no one gives a flying fuck, shut the cunting hell up. no one is going to put on their outdoor shoes and go investigate. if it's being stolen you should have parked it somewhere less stealy.
(may be slightly rantier than normal as I have a temperature of 101f, a migraine level headache and my entire body is fucking aching like the worst growing pains I ever had)
fucking car alarms that never end. ok we get it someones messing with your fucking precious and you're not here, no, no one gives a flying fuck, shut the cunting hell up. no one is going to put on their outdoor shoes and go investigate. if it's being stolen you should have parked it somewhere less stealy.
(may be slightly rantier than normal as I have a temperature of 101f, a migraine level headache and my entire body is fucking aching like the worst growing pains I ever had)
...flu I cunting hate that as well.