Thanks for the advice all. The demonstration was actually the "Rhodes Must Fall" march in Oxford and so was about as benign as possible - pretty small and certainly no risk of kettling nor extremist loonies kicking off. Everything I saw was very good natured. I actually had a bit less time than I'd hoped so I didn't follow them for as long as I'd hoped, nor get as close as I'd hoped but it was an interesting side of photography that I've never experienced before and perhaps an easy introduction. Not looked through the pictures yet but we'll see.
Thanks for the advice all. The demonstration was actually the "Rhodes Must Fall" march in Oxford and so was about as benign as possible - pretty small and certainly no risk of kettling nor extremist loonies kicking off. Everything I saw was very good natured. I actually had a bit less time than I'd hoped so I didn't follow them for as long as I'd hoped, nor get as close as I'd hoped but it was an interesting side of photography that I've never experienced before and perhaps an easy introduction. Not looked through the pictures yet but we'll see.