balls - the pressure. but cheers @panic , and @oat44 , still say we split it. ( @MrDrem also great work on the voting again).
Okay, don't think I can compete with the kubrick theme but here goes. Personally I really enjoy photojournalism - just capturing something that tells a story about something that is happening wherever you are. I remember tina posting this photo on here ages ago ( @ItkI - i hope you don't mind me reposting).
I thought it was great as it was, but then afterwards tina explained that it was a protest on international women's day against a chemist that doesn't sell the pill, and I thought the added context made it brilliant.
Might be hard to come across something like that, but just capture something happening wherever you are. Don't want it to be too difficult - more than anything i'd rather it be something everyone can join in on without having to go too out of their way. Could be a concert or event you might go to this week, could just be bad weather or a cake sale in a local church, or something you see on you way to work - honestly whatever.
Hope that's alright. Let's call it #a_week_in_pictures . @mi7rennie 's northern lights would have cleaned up here! Just this once, captions are strongly encouraged - let's say max two sentences though.
balls - the pressure. but cheers @panic , and @oat44 , still say we split it. ( @MrDrem also great work on the voting again).
Okay, don't think I can compete with the kubrick theme but here goes. Personally I really enjoy photojournalism - just capturing something that tells a story about something that is happening wherever you are. I remember tina posting this photo on here ages ago ( @ItkI - i hope you don't mind me reposting).
I thought it was great as it was, but then afterwards tina explained that it was a protest on international women's day against a chemist that doesn't sell the pill, and I thought the added context made it brilliant.
Might be hard to come across something like that, but just capture something happening wherever you are. Don't want it to be too difficult - more than anything i'd rather it be something everyone can join in on without having to go too out of their way. Could be a concert or event you might go to this week, could just be bad weather or a cake sale in a local church, or something you see on you way to work - honestly whatever.
Hope that's alright. Let's call it #a_week_in_pictures . @mi7rennie 's northern lights would have cleaned up here! Just this once, captions are strongly encouraged - let's say max two sentences though.
(....or we could just go with #balance ?!)