The evidence says otherwise. I'll find some links...
The evidence says otherwise.
..like h2o just said it's hardly "evidence" that everybody and their mother is taking pictures with their iPhone now.
As I said: I think for some tasks phones are very suitable - for a lot of others they are not.
Aside technical limitations - what you call "traditional handling" is actually pretty important for people who are photographing seriously.
Some really want a camera with focus / aperture rings, dials at just the right places etc. - this is very very different to tapping around on an iPhone screen.Just had a look how this tedious argument started in the first place -
it was you stating that compact cameras are all of a dated concept now that phones are so good.
Which is true, from the standpoint that a lot of people today do not buy a compact camera anymore as they're happy with their phone.
There are fewer and fewer people who need / want / appreciate the advantages of a real camera, even if it's just a compact one, so yeah.
Phones do have improved a lot, and for some kinds of pictures they're indeed very good.
They in no way replace cameras like a GR or Coolpix A though, for a lot of reasons.