• #2402
^^^^@FatManOnAFixie that is some next level shit but I could not live with the chaos. *itches
• #2403
Sorry, you lost me shortly after Julie Andrews, but... Gong!! :)
• #2404
Arnie "do it now" clip!
Seeing my SL1210 makes me want to get my finger out and get my other TT back up and running again on the other system.
• #2405
@FatManOnAFixie More blutak needed on turntables ...
• #2406
That's bananas.
LOVE it.
• #2407
I've not heard those AKG's but I do own their predecessor, the K450's which were a class winning product according to What-Hifi. The 450's sounded great with mobile sources, and are super comfortable, plus as they folded up are practical too. But for DJ use I'd still favour the Sennheiser, they're flatter sounding but much more accurate. Basically the AKG are warmer sounding, Sennheiser way better clarity. I suppose it all depends on personal preference. I think long term the foldable headband on the AKGs would be prone to breaking.
• #2408
I want to see @FatManOnAFixie 's hi fi in @chrisbmx116 's flat.
Would be an amazing dissonance.
• #2409
This is bloody incredible and I barely understand what a damn thing does, it makes me want to go learn about hifi stuff properly.
• #2410
Ha, I doubt it would all fit!
• #2411
Respect for the engineering skills @FatManOnAFixie
My approach is more about picking stuff up from forums, plug it in,see how it sounds. Had the current arrangements for quite a while now:
Technics SL1210
Laptop with spinny disc replaced with non spinny one running JRiver MC
Wyred4Sound DAC2
Quad 34, renovated by previous owner
Meridian 205s feeding Spendor A5s in "snug"
Meridian 557 feeding Linn Keilidhs in kitchen.
It's not a purist approach but I like the results. Apologies for the spaghetti cabling; must tidy that up at some point. -
• #2412
Now with pic
1 Attachment
• #2413
I need to upgrade my set up.
• #2414
@FatManOnAFixie wins the lowest WAF, biggest grin factor.
@ChasnotRobert is a serious contender with me for Biggest Power Amp [obvs substitute for something] contest :)Keep it coming chaps!
• #2415
Loving the meridian stuff, I've got a 200 series tuner singing in my setup.
• #2416
Yes, mut be compensating for something with the power amp fetish, previously had one of these:
http://www.alchemisthifi.info/ranges/1st_range/alchemist_odin_power_amplifier.htmIn fact I kind of still do have it, just permenantly lent to someone.
• #2417
Ok, if I don't buy that yamaha amp, whats a good alternative wise people? looking for something thats good for country music.
Would love it to be European, and fit in aesthetically, new/second hand doesn't matter.
Budget sub £300 maybe?
Also, if anyone needs some speaker cable, I just had a rearrange and have about 5-6 meters going spare (free), just Cambridge Audio second cheapest stuff. E3. -
• #2418
I rate my Audiolab 8200A amp. Going rate for used on ebay seems to be £300-400 if you don't need brand new, e.g. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Audiolab-8200A-Integrated-Amp-Black-Still-Under-Warranty-/272128947747?hash=item3f5c263623:g:W~cAAOSw~OVWuggm
• #2419
hmmmm that might actually be spot on. Will read up a bit on it... (just checked if it has Phone so I can plug my record player straight in and it appears to?) looks wise I think I can rationalise black too - the base of my 1203 is black as are the Speaker bits of my, errr, speakers and my TV/AppleTV/HTPC are all black. Could be a real tidy solution aesthetically too. Thanks buddy.
• #2420
I was going to suggest an Audiolab as well - great amps. Here's an earlier veriosn for less £:
Otherwise, lots of good amps from Marantz, Rotel, Nad etc for £200-£300 second hand.
The shoe box Cyrus are great as well - here's a One but you could probably find a Two or one of the later models within top end on budget:
• #2421
I don't think the newer ones have phone, that one does, I like the fact its made by two British chaps. Right, time to grow a pair... that Audio lab will be better than a Yamaha 500 thing?
• #2422
I could not live with the chaos. *itches
Heheheheh! Ta Apone, I'm very lucky, I live with a Textile Artist (thread/paints/waxes/fabric stuff everywhere!) and the kids are grown and moved out so happily the 2 of us can live in our luvvly state of 'chaos', we prefer to think of it as 'homely' :)
• #2423
Yey! I like 'em, you can tell can't you. For about 34years actually and counting.
• #2424
@chrisbmx116 "better" is always subjective, especially in audio-land where generally, no-one agrees about anything. The Audiolab is something of a classic which you couldn't really say of the Yamaha, even though I don't doubt that it would do a decent job.
• #2425
Also, lads - it's a power amp. Literally everything else in the chain will have a bigger effect on the sound (assuming the power is appropriate for the desired volume).
Just unpacked the Yamaha A-S501. Baby is asleep no no setting up tonight. Really disappointed by the super cheap feeling plastic knobs and pots. With the look and size of it was expecting clunk and heft but everything feels feather-light and fragile. It looks teh nuts but I hope it sounds better than it feels. Hmmm...