Not my greatest week so far, but still moving in the right direction.
Date Weight
04-Jan 122.8
11-Jan 118.2
18-Jan 116.4
25-Jan 114.6
01-Feb 113.7
Felt really low on Saturday and my girlfriend really helped me out. She called me into the kitchen where she had filled 3 mason cash mixing bowls with water to match the weight I'd lost so far. When you can actually see it and lift it, it's astonishing how much you're punishing yourself by carrying it round.
Not my greatest week so far, but still moving in the right direction.
Date Weight
04-Jan 122.8
11-Jan 118.2
18-Jan 116.4
25-Jan 114.6
01-Feb 113.7
Felt really low on Saturday and my girlfriend really helped me out. She called me into the kitchen where she had filled 3 mason cash mixing bowls with water to match the weight I'd lost so far. When you can actually see it and lift it, it's astonishing how much you're punishing yourself by carrying it round.