Just checked my BMI, I'm up to 26. That's 16st 1lb at 6'6".
When I first started riding I lost 3 stone in about three months without even trying. After a few years of riding I did myself a knee-related mischief and had to stop cycling for almost a year, but carried on eating like I was still cycling and got fat. I've been back on the bike for a while now with frustratingly little change in my weight.
What's weird is that I checked what my BMI would've been when I was at my skinniest, basically just bones and quads (at 14st 5lb) and apparently that still puts me at 23.2, the higher end of healthy weight. WTF? How is the low end of the healthy weight range for me 11st 6lb? I have no idea what I'd look like at that weight.
Anyway csb and all that, must stop eating doughnuts and chocolate.
Just checked my BMI, I'm up to 26. That's 16st 1lb at 6'6".
When I first started riding I lost 3 stone in about three months without even trying. After a few years of riding I did myself a knee-related mischief and had to stop cycling for almost a year, but carried on eating like I was still cycling and got fat. I've been back on the bike for a while now with frustratingly little change in my weight.
What's weird is that I checked what my BMI would've been when I was at my skinniest, basically just bones and quads (at 14st 5lb) and apparently that still puts me at 23.2, the higher end of healthy weight. WTF? How is the low end of the healthy weight range for me 11st 6lb? I have no idea what I'd look like at that weight.
Anyway csb and all that, must stop eating doughnuts and chocolate.