So the seller is a regular on here, so it seems legit. I heard from the seller - he sent me a tracking code. However no details of which company he used and it's invalid on every courier website I've tried. Very frustrating! Bit disappointed about the price as well to be honest. While browsing about 20 different courier websites I had a quick search to see how much p&p should have been, I managed to find it for £9.59 inc. VAT for next day delivery and the parcel is collected - for a 2kg wheel box. Maybe the box he's sent it in will be phenomenal ! ;-)
It's my own fault for buying on-line and stuff so I can't really complain. These are the risks you take!
So the seller is a regular on here, so it seems legit. I heard from the seller - he sent me a tracking code. However no details of which company he used and it's invalid on every courier website I've tried. Very frustrating! Bit disappointed about the price as well to be honest. While browsing about 20 different courier websites I had a quick search to see how much p&p should have been, I managed to find it for £9.59 inc. VAT for next day delivery and the parcel is collected - for a 2kg wheel box. Maybe the box he's sent it in will be phenomenal ! ;-)
It's my own fault for buying on-line and stuff so I can't really complain. These are the risks you take!