• #2577
Just no.
• #2578
2 episodes of MaM to go - fuck me, what a story
• #2579
Up to E6 of MaM, quite like it.
Did anyone watch The Jinx? Similar theme, different perp.
But like a TV version of SerialAlso watched And Then There Was None this weekend, good old Agatha Christie.
• #2580
Making a Murderer is so good because of the characters. They're beyond fiction in some cases. Kratz especially.
• #2581
was a brilliant watch, thoroughly depressing though
• #2583
It's so fast paced as well, each case could be a whole 12 episode season of some other show but it just keeps thundering on. If that's grounds for criticism, then that would also apply to Murder, She Wrote and Columbo, so your logic is obviously faulty.
Also, I can recognise all the locations straight away (apart from where the foot fetishist goes cray fishing in S3).
I think it took me a while to get into it because I kept picking holes in it, then I just got caught up and now I think it's great. Amazing supporting cast body count as well, it's worse than GoT!
I did a masters about East German history and for the first 5 minutes of Deutschland 83 I sat there thinking 'no, no, this is all wrong...'
Then I realised it was fun and that didn't matter.
• #2584
I'm enjoying Bloodline on Netflix right now.
• #2585
Is Deutschland 83 worth a watch? Trailers look ok-ish
• #2586
Yeah it's pretty good, if a little far-fetched in places. Nice nostalgic soundtrack too.
• #2587
MoaM is pretty intense... #latetotheparty
• #2588
I can't bring myself to watch the second episode. The first was really interesting, pretty well paced. And they make it clear what's going to happen in the first (broadly), and I'm super interested. But I can't see 9 more hours really being necessary (and I don't want to be bored by a story dragged out that long). I may just read the wiki page.
• #2589
Just started E03, almost wiki'd it myself...
• #2590
Into the badlands was kung-fun.
• #2591
I found the first few drag but it kicks off around E03/4 and after that there isn't a lot of filler.
• #2593
Bit weirded out by the preponderance of pay TV stuff right now. What the fuck happened?
Thank fuck for Leo's Toy Store by Warren Peace.
• #2594
Thank fuck for Leo's Toy Store by Warren Peace.
Is it good? I keep meaning to put it on.
• #2595
I am really liking it. Maybe I'm just a bit lacking in taste. I like a good 'costume'. I think the lead is really good, the guy playing 'Pierre'. Also Steven Rea good as this machiavellian character in eps 1&2, and Jim Broadbent is fucking great as count somebody or other who just barks at everyone.
• #2596
I've been trying to purchase the Grant Hart documentary for a while, turns out it's available on PPV YouTube but unwatchable wrt crap streaming... Annoyed...
• #2597
brian pern is back
as are thotchwell worth a watch
• #2598
Making a Murderer a real interesting documentary.
No idea if he did it or not, but what scary is how much they weight little (like a confession from Brendan) and smooth talking to convince them.
• #2600
Hit or miss I guess, I loved Sense8.
Really? Even that I thought was overly sanitised