If you have any pertinent info and and links on this subject do tell me.
This looks to have been lifted verbatim from Rigida/Ryde promotional material, although the stuff that's actually on various Rigida/Ryde sites now seems to a: have lost something in translation and b: been oversimplified for a non-technical audience. This image claims Mach 7 for second generation CSS, which is pretty impressive when general plasma spraying companies talk about speeds of up to Mach 2, so Rigida might be awfully clever.
If you want to while away an enjoyable evening, have a look through some research papers on splat formation as a function of particle velocity and temperature :-)
I'm disappointed Carbide-Supersonic-Oberflächenbeschichtung has hyphens. Carbidesupersonicoberflächenbeschichtung is what I'd want my wheels to have.
This looks to have been lifted verbatim from Rigida/Ryde promotional material, although the stuff that's actually on various Rigida/Ryde sites now seems to a: have lost something in translation and b: been oversimplified for a non-technical audience. This image claims Mach 7 for second generation CSS, which is pretty impressive when general plasma spraying companies talk about speeds of up to Mach 2, so Rigida might be awfully clever.
If you want to while away an enjoyable evening, have a look through some research papers on splat formation as a function of particle velocity and temperature :-)