• #38577
What I don't quite get is:
Segways are illegal to use anywhere in th UK except private land
Hover boards work in the same way
Why aren't people being warned that they might get done for no licence and insurance on these things.
The only warning about them I've seen up until now is that they might blow up. -
• #38578
Bloody hoverboardists, gliding around like they bloody own the place, going on the pavement and through red lights.
And they don't even pay road tax.
They should be forced to have numberplates. -
• #38580
I had that Michael J Fox in the back of my cab...
• #38581
• #38582
He gives good hand.
• #38583
And they don't even hover.
• #38584
I thought the polices already give the death penalty for any black people within the vicinity.
• #38585
Well indeed. That is good news!
• #38586
I've found this case ...
... very interesting from the beginning, with all of its conceptual distortions and confusions. This is another good instalment, with 'black' and 'race' being redefined from their traditional meanings, which are really quite clear and arising from which it's not at all surprising that people felt annoyed (although as this is the first widely-publicised case of this kind (I think), it obviously attracted a good deal more attention than if it had been the 45th).
She was clearly exceedingly unhappy as a child and wanted to distance herself from her family as much as possible and was influenced by writers on American racial politics at an impressionable age. Her attempt at distancing herself obviously had to involve finding another family and replacing the mother and father figures she had had up to that point.
All fair enough apart from the fact that she seemingly couldn't just maintain herself in that but had to make the make-believe real. This is clearly a deeply-felt requirement of her compensation for the suffering she undoubtedly endured, and she seems to try to use it out of a desire for an absolute distance from her 'biological' parents (all the while acknowledging rationally who her 'biological' ancestors were). There are also really interesting aspects concerning the concept of adoption and what is seemingly her attempt to be fully 'de-adopted' from them even though she wasn't ever adopted by them.
Anyway, I think that there really isn't a great principled point here, just an individual's rather unusual attempt at compensating for childhood experiences that has caused understandable offence, but she's still not able to defuse it because she insists/has to insist on defences that most people won't understand or have any time for. I do hope that at some point she'll feel as if she can overcome this need and can stop redefining concepts in ways that don't work.
(For the record, I don't like the concepts 'black' and 'white' as applied to people, either, but I wish we could abolish them altogether, as literally they're nonsense. We're not chess pieces.)
• #38588
Nigella's dad reckons cyclists are the worst thing to hit London since the Blitz.
• #38589
He would know,having spent most of his life working as a barrage balloon.
The fat slimy cunt.
• #38590
The climate change denier in chief?
Slimy cunt, I hope he chokes on his daughter's Christmas lunch.
• #38591
The fat slimy cunt.
You can have 2/3 - he's not been a chubster since the mid 90s:
• #38592
The climate change denier in chief?
Well if you have a PPE, the world really does need your ill-informed meanderings on climate change, in book form.
• #38593
not been a chubster since the mid 90s
He will always be a fat toad to me.
He just needs reinflating a tad, is all. -
• #38594
hang on, i thought people on bikes were worse than ISIS, not hitler? make your shitting minds up, right wing cunts the world over.
• #38595
• #38596
hopefully he'll now be facing prosecution for pretending to be a doctor.
• #38597
And a DJ.
• #38598
If I read that correctly he's been found not guilty on all counts?
• #38599
'high jinks', not sexual molestation
'surprise sex', not rape..
• #38600
Found not guilty by a judge who says he 'probably ' did it.