I have a relatively cheap solution to convert the 26 mm clamp to a 31.8 without having to buy a super expensive look ergostem.
simply use the front part of a ritchey double axis adjustable stem. This has the exact diameter of the ergostem axis..but it is to small regarding the width. This can easily be fixed using an extra set of look washers between them. they cost about 19 pounds. the ritchey about 30.
I have a relatively cheap solution to convert the 26 mm clamp to a 31.8 without having to buy a super expensive look ergostem.
simply use the front part of a ritchey double axis adjustable stem. This has the exact diameter of the ergostem axis..but it is to small regarding the width. This can easily be fixed using an extra set of look washers between them. they cost about 19 pounds. the ritchey about 30.
so for a 50 pounds you're the man...
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