I'll take your word on the first point, on the 2nd, they aint doing a very good job as there aren't many fake saddles on that site with the supposed manufacturers name in the item title. Infact, there's them and Fizik. There are plenty of listings for saddles with some well known brands mentioned in the title but the saddle being sold under that title bears little resemblance to anything that brand genuinely makes.
Also, destroying them? Like, while they are on your bike? Ianal but afaik, owning counterfeit goods is not an offence, it's only the selling of them under the pretences that they are genuine that's an offence.
Also, destroying them? Like, while they are on your bike?
No, at customs when they come into the EU. Under EU law, a holder of IP rights in a product can ask customs to detain suspected counterfeits and have them destroyed if they are either proven to be fake or the consignee doesn't contest the seizure and thereby abandons the goods. The Danish/Rolex case which settled this did not even involve fraud by the seller, as the buyer knew that he was buying a fake.
etc.It's not clear that ISM are doing this, but they are well aware of the counterfeiting problem and could certainly get their EU licensee to do it.
Read up on fake Adamos before committing, apparently they're so shit that a: they put people off real ones and b: ISM protect their brand aggressively, to the extent of tracking down fakes and destroying them.