I think you're sort of all missing the point. You just can't go round spouting shite about a whole City and group of people branding them 'scum'. I think people think it's 'OK though...those Scousers love a laugh'.
It's been going on for years in the media, every football ground and I've heard more derogatory anti-Scouse jokes over the years than I've had hot dinners.Change the word Scouse to 'black' and we'd all be up in arms...what gives?
Is that for real? Fucking ridiculous if so. What actual harm has his rant done? Who actually > gains from Clive losing his job? It's all just a pathetic over-reaction.
Seriously the best thing you've posted here, Graham. I stopped coming here for a while for exactly that reason. None of you would have the balls to post the constant shit you did about the city about any other minority/religious group. I made several lengthy posts about what Thatcher's government did to that city with the managed decline. Nada...It was singled out by our conservative government/bullingdon massive cabinet questionable bedfellows...
[see the comments]hahahaha hilarious stuff^
96 dead and the biggest cover up in the history of this country yet the labels persisted. Clive's words further engrained the attitudes that many have of the city and spew online. If you're too stupid or lazy to use the correct language and separate football goers from innocent non footie people then then take the consequence. If you think it fine to justify the random stabbing of people from there as happened on this thread then the fall out is your problem.
Call me mad but what happened there isn't miles off how majority black cities/towns have been treated by the US federal government historically. Given the amount of right on Granuiad readers here few would throw similar rocks their way.Having a laugh is one thing, as is posting stuff here, maybe even doing a tongue-in-cheek blog is but the video rant made it seem like Clive really believed all the stuff he posts which would have been concern for an employer/potential clients, nach.
But it is crazy he has lost his livelihood. Felt sick reading he was no longer employed.
I think you're sort of all missing the point. You just can't go round spouting shite about a whole City and group of people branding them 'scum'. I think people think it's 'OK though...those Scousers love a laugh'.
It's been going on for years in the media, every football ground and I've heard more derogatory anti-Scouse jokes over the years than I've had hot dinners.
Change the word Scouse to 'black' and we'd all be up in arms...what gives?