• #702
"This vehicle pulls in, pulls out, changes lane at short notice without indicating and stops abruptly and without warning" said no sign ever.
• #703
In my experience indicators mean fuck all, right can become left and so on.
• #704
Van drivers don't have any special training if they passed there test long enough ago. I passed my test in a Vauxhall Nova 1.1 and can drive a long wheelbase transit as a result.
• #705
With trailer
• #706
Which would explain why people who drive vans drive it as if it's a car.
• #707
• #708
Ffs that boils my piss..
• #709
it's the sticker equivalent of dive-bombing into a packed hot tub, taking a dump and looking disgusted at all the people with shit on their chests.
• #710
Haaaa, so true.
• #711
My favourite was the transit van I saw today with a "Pedestrians do not walk near this vehicle" sign
• #712
• #714
I'm tempted to get a few and stick them on some buses.
• #715
Or ice cream vans.
• #716
Surely that driver is a pedestrian up until the point that s/he gets into the vehicle.
• #717
Need that on a jersey
• #718
How does he get in?
• #719
I saw a tiny Corsavan size Network Rail van today with a lorry sized Cyclists Stay Back sticker. It was half the size of the rear doors. Ironic?
• #720
Something something welcome to Jamaica and have a nice day.
• #721
The biscuit
"drivers. Don't drive and use your mobile phone" it's the law. It means don't drive and use your mobile phone. Just don't do it
1 Attachment
• #722
The irony is drivers jump red light more regularly after it changes.
• #723
Wonder how long it will be before a video of them jumping the lights is uploaded.
• #724
Do you think the whole highway code fits the back of that van? :P
• #725
Hackney today: watched cop car jump Tesco lights. Another driver thought 'OK, so will I'. Then a bus driver jumped ped lights (1)
(2) With some irony noted that at both sets of red lights, all the several cyclists stopped.
Buses are more dangerous when they're pulling out, in my experience. You can avoid going up the inside, but you can avoid it when they pull straight into your path. Often they sit there for minutes on end with hazards or indicators flashing, so there's no way of telling what they're about to do.