• #8702
Only thing I can think of worse than using pages is using word..
• #8703
Also if I wanted word I wouldn't fucking buy it holy shit
• #8704
Word is great if you want a programme to turn everything into Times New Roman 10 when you hit backspace in a table.
• #8705
Word is great if you work in an office. I've got a legit copy of Mac Office 2011 I bought through a 'cheap Office licences for employees' programme at work for £8.99, but that programme no longer exists, so if it doesn't work on El Capitan as @bitterbuffalo suggests I'll be sticking with Yosemite for the moment as I work from home on my Mac quite a bit.
• #8706
just did this at work, £9.99 for the full office suite, but had to upgrade to El Capitan to get it to work, whilst I was more than happy with Mavericks. Bit of a ball ache, but everything's still working so I can't complain.
The only thing was if I'd downloaded it the fay before I would have had the version which was compatible with Mavericks and I wouldn't have had to upgrade anything.. -
• #8707
There are bug fixes for most the office 2011 el captain incompatibility issues. You can download them from Microsoft.
This is is the Outlook fix.
• #8708
You can insert images (from anywhere) into pages using Shift + Command + V or Insert menu, drop down to Choose...
You're not stuck with media/iPhoto.
As for layout you have to make sure the images are set to floating, not inline. When it's set to inline they are auto aligned on a grid, much like word does.
To scale the images together you must first group them, it's up there in the Arrange menu, or alt+cmd+G
It's still a shit application and Indesign is what you really need.
• #8709
Totally right about InDesign and I do have it on this machine but A. I forgot I had it and B. and perhaps more importantly, I don't know how to use it.
Got there in the end and managed to wake up early enough to take everything to the printers this morning and best of all it doesn't look like it was designed in PAGES the night before. But I'm putting that down to good paper stock.
• #8710
I've got a force touch trackpad. I want to use it to write notes onto the computer.
How can I do this?
• #8711
Use the trackpad to position the cursor where you would like to begin writing a note, and then use a keyboard to type the words you want to include in your note.
Or maybe an app like this https://tenonedesign.com/autograph.php
I haven't tried the app, but the top method works well ;)
• #8712
I want to just write by hand writing. It's easier when making notes of mechanics and other maths stuff. To just scribble the equations.
On my old ipad I had evernote and notesplues, which I could use to write on the screen. I wanted to use the trackpad like the screen to write notes using a stylus.
• #8713
Yeah I figured...was just playing with the keyboard comment. I've been thinking about getting the autograph app for a while, and I think it will do what you want but haven't got around to trying it yet so can't be sure. The same devs produce an app called 'inklet' too, have a look at their site, something might suit you.
• #8714
Yeah I got inklet, but it didn't seem to work. Maybe I need compatable app, I thought one note and evernote would be compatable.
Autograph looks liek I could write into it, but not form coherant notes.
• #8715
inklet works in formulate pro, but the demo version isn't selling anything to me!
• #8716
I did a stupid and erased the contents of my bootcamp partition via disk utility thinking I was erasing the partition itself.
Now I can't use Bootcamp Assistant to delete the partition, nor re-install it (though I don't want to do that anyway as I'm pressed for time. Any thoughts on solutions?
• #8717
Cant you just use Disk Utility to erase the whole thing?
• #8718
Seemingly not. El Capitan Disk Utility looks completely different and all Erase does is erase contents. I've still got 60GB I need tomorrow tied up in fucking exFat without an OS.
• #8719
I have seen some good reviews about thins, anyone uses this?
• #8720
I used it on my girlfriends mums macbook as it was swamped in malware from all the "codecs" she repeatedly downloads to watch shit films online.
Seemed to do the trick but if I actually cared, I'd do an OS reinstall instead. This person can't be trained though, so its just a case of periodically wiping shit from the walls, so to speak. -
• #8721
Have Apple stopped downloads of El Capitan?
It doesn't seem too popular. I've heard it's particularly great for older macs (mine's in it's 4th year). I've also heard it's particularly slow so which is the truth?
• #8722
It is slow on the older Macintosh, least on mine (2009).
• #8723
Not had a problem on mine. Seems just as fine as any other.
At least my notes are syncing again.
• #8724
This boot camp bollocks is such a nonsense. I've lost count of the number of complaints I've read of people doing the same thing dating back years and yet still Apple haven't thought to include some kind of warning on Disk Utility to tell the stupider amongst to use Boot Camp Assistant instead of DU.
Some people have had luck with reformatting the partition as MSDOS which tricks BCA into thinking it's Windows, meaning you can delete it. I haven't.
Instead I'm lumped with an empty partition that can't be merged into the main, nor can it have windows installed or repaired on it. Basically my option is to reformat the entire disc including OSX or put up with 60GB disappearing.
I don't really want to spend the weekend downloading Adobe Creative Cloud again as I have about 8 projects to edit. Yay fucking me.
I take it there's no way to copy the installed and download Adobe programmes onto a disc and then copy them onto the new install?
• #8725
I don't have any spare drives to dedicate for Time Machine btw
^^good rant.