Urgh, this shit is dumb. If some polo players want to get together and make some money off their image playing a dumb made up sport, then good luck to them. They would hardly be the first.
If they want to put some of it back into the sport, great, or if they want to use it for their own purposes (especially travel to a tournament), then also great. But they shouldn't get criticised for doing so.
I didn't care that people did Adidas, or the Smart bikes, or Chunk, or any of the other things.
You're clearly out if sync with London H Bomb. Your North mates could use some help in terms of keeping the scene alive if you have any good suggestions. South meanwhile are pretty much going strong and putting our efforts towards something bigger.
Urgh, this shit is dumb. If some polo players want to get together and make some money off their image playing a dumb made up sport, then good luck to them. They would hardly be the first.
If they want to put some of it back into the sport, great, or if they want to use it for their own purposes (especially travel to a tournament), then also great. But they shouldn't get criticised for doing so.
I didn't care that people did Adidas, or the Smart bikes, or Chunk, or any of the other things.