It's from the film Big.
It's about a boy who wishes he can be big so he can go on roller coasters and because the Zoltar machine isn't plugged in his wish comes true and he turns into Tom Hanks. It's worth watching, there are some quite funny scenes.
He ends up working as a toy designer and one of the other toy designers designs a toy that's a robot that transforms into a building. The Hanks character (Josh) puts up his hand to proclaim:
'I don't get it'
It's repeated a few times in the scene, so I have cleverly remembered it.
A bit later on the other toy designer executive guy repeats the phrase mockingly:
It's not the best part of the film. I'd say that's the bit where he first turns into Tom Hanks and looks down his own pants, then looks surprised, presumably because pubes.
Not bad as a quote.