Back to around where I started a year ago. 89kg and a 28:14 5k.
I did manage to get down to 83kg and 24:16 before apathy and gluttony took hold.
Aiming for 76kg and 22:00 in 7 months time (should be easier to shed the weight this time round). That'd be the max I want to be if I get a Marathon place.
70kg (ha!) and a 20:00 in 10 months would be lovely, that'd set me up for IM Wales pretty nicely.
Sounds like a good plan, weight isn't the be all and end all though, I'm heavier (height to weight ratio) than a lot of my club mates and am faster than most if not all of them. focus on a healthy weight....
Back to around where I started a year ago. 89kg and a 28:14 5k.
I did manage to get down to 83kg and 24:16 before apathy and gluttony took hold.
Aiming for 76kg and 22:00 in 7 months time (should be easier to shed the weight this time round). That'd be the max I want to be if I get a Marathon place.
70kg (ha!) and a 20:00 in 10 months would be lovely, that'd set me up for IM Wales pretty nicely.